Sparkling Bloom
Leda Robertson
Sparkling in White
Leda Robertson
By the Silvery Light
Leda Robertson
Laughing Lilies
Leda Robertson
A New Set of Clothes
Leda Robertson
Tumbling into Green
Leda Robertson
Tumbling into Blue
Leda Robertson
Water Lily Serenity #1
Leda Robertson
Water Lily Wonder
Leda Robertson
Pink Cascade
Leda Robertson
Softly Shining
Leda Robertson
Wild in the Fields
Leda Robertson
Wild and Wonderful
Leda Robertson
Happy in Purple
Leda Robertson
Greet the Day
Leda Robertson
Loopin' Lupine
Leda Robertson
Arching Irises
Leda Robertson
Iris Assertion
Leda Robertson
Waltzing Irises
Leda Robertson
The Saucy Siberica
Leda Robertson
Four Friends
Leda Robertson
Happy Stack
Leda Robertson
Up Close and Personal
Leda Robertson
Bouquet de Fleurs
Leda Robertson
Fleurs d'oranger
Leda Robertson
Sunny in Orange and Gold
Leda Robertson
Happy in Orange
Leda Robertson
Bunches of Love
Leda Robertson
Small Affections
Leda Robertson
Gladly Given
Leda Robertson
Eternally Glad
Leda Robertson
Small Treasures
Leda Robertson
Back to Back Glads
Leda Robertson
Leda Robertson
Water Lily Paradise
Leda Robertson
Fade into Gray
Leda Robertson
Rich in Color
Leda Robertson
Sun Saturated
Leda Robertson
Sharp in Red
Leda Robertson
Lily White
Leda Robertson
Open to the Sun
Leda Robertson
Deeply Red
Leda Robertson
Red and Ready
Leda Robertson
Duplicate Beauty
Leda Robertson
Lilies in Lavender
Leda Robertson
Bunches of Love #2
Leda Robertson
Floral Dancer
Leda Robertson
Nasturtium Gathering
Leda Robertson
Last Dance in Indigo
Leda Robertson
Nasturtium Gathering in Indigo
Leda Robertson
Fanciful in Indigo
Leda Robertson
Floral Dancer in Indigo
Leda Robertson
Intimate in Indigo
Leda Robertson
Fanciful in Orchid
Leda Robertson
New Friends
Leda Robertson
Elongated Elegance
Leda Robertson
New Friends in Indigo
Leda Robertson
Elongated Elegance #2
Leda Robertson
Elongated Elegance in Sepia
Leda Robertson
New Friends in Sepia
Leda Robertson
Sentinals of Light
Leda Robertson
Greet the Day #1
Leda Robertson
Sentinals of Light in Indigo
Leda Robertson
Greet the Day in Indigo
Leda Robertson
Sentinals of Light in Sepia
Leda Robertson
Greet the Day in Sepia
Leda Robertson
Softly Rising
Leda Robertson
Morning Magnolia
Leda Robertson
Many-petaled Magnolia
Leda Robertson
Ephemeral Friends
Leda Robertson